Trauma-Informed Care for Professionals Working with Youth (July 2018)


Submit tuition to enroll in the Trauma-Informed Care for Professionals Working with Youth online course here. In this 4 week fully online course you’ll learn foundational skills and principles for becoming a trauma-informed youth worker. Whether you’re a therapist, counselor, teacher, or any type of youth worker, this course will help enhance your ability to approach trauma from a sensitive, youth-oriented perspective and be better at your job.

The July/Summer 2018 cohort dates for this course are: July 10th – August 7th, 2018

There is also a 2-week grace period following the last week (August 7th – 21st) to finish all lessons, complete the midterm and final quizzes, and fill out the course evaluation in order to obtain your certificate of completion. After that, you will have lifetime access to the course material but a certificate of completion will not be available.

When checking out you’ll be prompted to create a username and password. These will serve as your login credentials to access the course. A welcome email will be sent with all details upon purchase of the course.

If you are licensed and wish to have your license type/number reflected on your certificate, please enter that information after your last name (i.e., Smith, 1234). Additionally, you can also request this from CAS after the fact.

Start your journey of becoming a Trauma-Informed Therapist, Educator, or any type of Youth Worker and help Teens Thrive today!!!


Submit tuition to enroll in the Trauma-Informed Care for Professionals Working with Youth online course here. In this 4 week fully online course you’ll learn foundational skills and principles for becoming a trauma-informed youth worker. Whether you’re a therapist, counselor, teacher, or any type of youth worker, this course will help enhance your ability to approach trauma from a sensitive, youth-oriented perspective and be better at your job.

The July/Summer 2018 cohort dates for this course are: July 10th – August 7th, 2018 (optional live webinar 8/3/18)

There is also a 2-week grace period following the last week (August 7th – 21st) to finish all lessons, complete the midterm and final quizzes, and fill out the course evaluation in order to obtain your certificate of completion. After that, you will have lifetime access to the course material but a certificate of completion will not be available.

When checking out you’ll be prompted to create a username and password. These will serve as your login credentials to access the course. A welcome email will be sent with all details upon purchase of the course.

If you are licensed and wish to have your license type/number reflected on your certificate, please enter that information after your last name (i.e., Smith, 1234). Additionally, you can also request this from CAS after the fact.

Start your journey of becoming a Trauma-Informed Therapist, Educator, or any type of Youth Worker and help Teens Thrive today!!!


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