Building Authentic Relationships (BARs) with Teens (March 2018)


The Building Authentic Relationships (BARS) with Teens course is a 6-week completely online training which reviews strategies for how to build authentic relationships with adolescents. This course spans disciplines and is applicable to those in the mental health, health, probation, and education professions and more! This training overviews how to develop genuine relationships; how to use self-disclosure skillfully, how to deal with resistance and set health boundaries, and presents time-tested techniques that bring adults and adolescents closer. Course Dates: March 6th – April 17th, 2018.


The Building Authentic Relationships (BARS) with Teens course is a 6-week completely online training which reviews strategies for how to build authentic relationships with adolescents. This course spans disciplines and is applicable to those in the mental health, health, probation, and education professions and more! This training overviews how to develop genuine relationships; how to use self-disclosure skillfully, how to deal with resistance and set health boundaries, and presents time-tested techniques that bring adults and adolescents closer. Course Dates: March 6th – April 17th, 2018.


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